The Top of Your Home: A Roofing Blog

Energy-Efficient Features That You Can Add During Roof Restoration

Roof restoration is an excellent way of restoring the important functions and features of an old roof. During the process, damaged parts of your roof are replaced with newer and more resilient materials. The main purpose is to prevent leaks, add durability and achieve energy efficiency.

Roof restoration gives you an excellent opportunity to add features that will help you cut down on your home's energy consumption. Remember that your roof plays an important role in how much energy is used in your home. If the roof is not efficient, it can result in leaking air during hot and cold months.

Here are some energy-efficient features that you can add to your roof during the restoration process.

1. Whirlybirds

During hot weather, the key to remaining cool is having constant movement of air. Your HVAC system plays an important role in climate control—but whirlybirds can also help you save on costs.

Whirlybirds are metallic structures that act like turbines. Their main purpose is to make airflow more efficient. Installed on the roof, these structures are a passive option for cooling your home during the summer. They rotate according to the movement of wind and can propel hot air out of the home.

Because hot air rises, the warm air inside your home will slowly rise to the roof and be suctioned out by your whirlybirds.

2. Solar tiles 

When restoring a damaged tile roof, consider using solar tiles. These are specially coated tiles that can trap solar energy and turn it into electrical power. Solar tiles are not only energy efficient, but they're also durable and convenient to install. In fact, they look much like your typical tiles, and you won't have to change much during the installation process.

3. Metal shingles 

You may also consider restoring your roof using metallic shingles. Metal roofs are among the most energy efficient types of roofs. This in turn makes your HVAC system more efficient. Metal roofs are also very durable and resilient against damage. Not only will you save on energy consumption, but you will also save on maintenance and repair costs over the years.

4. A reflective coating 

Another way of making your roof more energy efficient is by adding a reflective coating. Coatings reflect heat from the sun, thus reducing the amount of warm air that enters your home during hot weather. Reflective coatings can also be added to many different types of roofing materials—including tiles and metal. 
